Archive for May, 2009

#13: The Bonus Brighton Episode

Friday, May 29th, 2009

On the day that Nik forgot we were recording in Horsham and came to Brighton while I went to Horsham, we sniggeringly present: $Billions lost due to file sharing (yeh right) Shazam Mooncups The power of Twitter on the M23 Sky sign deal with xBox live Final Reports from Digital Britain Unconference Science fiction and fantasy ethics launched by […]

icon for podpress  #13: The Bonus Brighton Episode [33:23m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (31)

#12: Phantom Meetings, Loud Music and Pretty Girls

Monday, May 11th, 2009

On a warm sunny morning in May – when Andy mistakenly thought he had his next meeting at 10:30, when it was in fact 11:30, and so he spoke even faster than normal  – we rushingly present: gets even uber-cooler in Tweetdeck Another devleopment with Andy’s Nightmare on Tiscali Street And they’re being acquired by Carphone […]

icon for podpress  #12: Phantom Meetings, Loud Music and Pretty Girls [29:36m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (451)
Conversations around Social Media and Technology