Archive for August, 2011

#68: I Predict a Riot

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

On the day that it wasn’t Monday: Cameron’s Social Media crackdown plans applauded by China, meanwhile a California transport company gets a cyber whipping for shutting down mobile transmitters But thats okay Google want to use Real Names ; that will help Podcasting bigger than Twitter but not in the public consciousness Special thanks to […]

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#67: Social Green is People

Monday, August 1st, 2011

On the day that we had a guest: Crumbs a tracking metric from kissmetric that cant be avoided Google wants to speed up your website experience  Brighton Digital Festival  and Hackers Brighon Aral can be discovered at GeekNinjaFactory Recorded at Taylor St Baristas, Queens Road, Brighton.

icon for podpress  #67: Social Green is People [29:50m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1005)
Conversations around Social Media and Technology