Archive for February, 2013

#99: Problems, but this aint one of them

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Brought to you from The Kemptown Trading Post & Coffee Shop, 28 St Georges Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 1ED. The conversation this morning includes: Niks Google Age Issues Israel and Iran: A love story? (TED video by Ronny Edry) Google Glasses and the Social Contract App.Nets wrong direction  Libraries the make space of tommorow […]

icon for podpress  #99: Problems, but this aint one of them [37:21m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1966)

#98: Almost there

Monday, February 11th, 2013

On the day that it snowed: BT Scrap Fair Usage Caps and Follow SKY  Wherefore art though Google Fibre UK ?  Dell goes Private Micheal Chipped in a few quid. Coinbase selling over 1 Million USD  Open Government is not equal to Open Source  Recorded at the Blind Tiger Club, 52-54 Grand Parade, Brighton, UK

icon for podpress  #98: Almost there [33:00m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1827)
Conversations around Social Media and Technology